Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So many updates, and quite a bit of time

It has been a very busy end of 2012. It has also been a while since I have updated the old blog-y, so here we go

In September I found a new home and a new home mate, Shannon! It is quite a big step up from my 396 sq ft studio. 

Shannon thinks its cold...
Packing was freaking ridiculous
Balcony view, but they all look the same

Is this where the magic happens?

I need art

My room the size of my old place

We have lots of shelf space

Next up: ACL!!!! or Austin City Limits Music Festival

This was my first year going to ACL. I have been going to the tapings of the Austin City Limits television show. I saw the Shins, Bon Iver, the Tuneyards amongst others.  ACL Fest was an epic 3-days of music, art, rain, food, and silliness. 
The entrance to the park

Great shot from the park

Afghan Whigs

It's Mon and Eric!

If you pan down, there is Neil Young

Overhead crowd shot
Broken Bells

Packer Nation at ACL!

Oh yea!

To be continued......


  1. No posts since January!!! I'm back to posting, now it's your turn ;)

  2. I know! I was just thinking I need to get on this!I'll be right on it ;)
